Monday, September 30, 2013

Happily Ever After

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 30 topic "Happily Ever After" AND P.J. of a lil hoo haa's monthly photo blogging challenge of "Outdoors."  Earlier in the month, I was hanging with my mamacita in Seattle. We spent one day downtown, doing the touristy stuff.

Banana Republic sleeveless shirt (thrifted)
Brighton breast cancer awareness necklace (gift from mom)
Picadilly Fashions skirt (gift from mom)
Ariat Western boots (NEW retail)  I LOVE these boots.

Close-up of skirt

I am happiest when I am outdoors so finding images for P.J.'s monthly photo challenge was a snap.  Earlier in the month, I was at Alki in West Seattle.

One last image on the subject of happy, there are free-range happy chicken eggs in Jackson, California.

What also makes me happy are the end of the month sales at the thrift shop.  Weekend finds totaling less than $5 were a Liz Clairborne short-sleeved button up shirt, Carolyn Keene's The Ringmaster's Secret, WarCraft Reign of Chaos (one advantage of still running Vista as my operating system - I can buy old games), Dave Brubeck's Once When I was Very Young, Chuck Mangione's Chase the Clouds Away, and The Circus is Coming, Old Fashioned Calliope Music.  I'll figure out a purpose for that last one.

I had so much fun with 30 DOP IV aka Bob.  Thank you to the hosts Ziva and Mike WJ.  A big thank you to all those who Google +1'd my posts.  Sweeet!

I hope another challenge pops up in the next couple of months.  If not, be sure to stop by in December for my Countdown to Kitschmas.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 29 topic - Circle

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 29 topic of "Circle."  I begin pre-Christmas shopping in the late summer/early fall.  Strolling down the Main Street in Jackson, California, I found my circle image.

Visit Ziva's Inferno to see if the other participants have come full circle.  Some have threatened insanty and others have taken to drink.  It's just what happens.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 28 topic - Lover

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 28 topic of "Lover."  Since Mr. VZ will never appear (face forward) anywhere on my blog.  In my thrift shop wanderings, I found ~

Not one, but two CDs!  And from my treasure trove of poetry books, this from A Treasury of Love Poems.

To His Love: Mark when She Smiles by Edmund Spenser

Mark when she smiles with amiable cheer,
And tell me whereto can ye liken it:
When one each eyelid sweetly do appear
An hundred graces as in shade to sit.

Likest is seemeth in my simple wit
Unto the fair sunshine in summer's day:
That when a dreadful storm away is flit,
Through the broad world doth spread its goodly ray:

At sight whereof each bird that sits on spray,
And every beast that to his den was fled
Comes forth afresh out of their late dismay,
And to the light lift up their dropping head.

So my storm-beaten heart likewise is cheered,
With that sunshine when cloudy looks are cleared.  

Linky to the lovers at Ziva's Inferno

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 27 topic - NSEW aka North South East West

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 27 topic is "NSEW."  I remembered I had given a weather vane to the Mr. some Christmases ago.  It was still in its box, never opened.  I figured it was time, since he was never going to install it atop the roof, I would use it as a yard ornament.

Travel to Ziva's Inferno to see if the other participants are pointed in the right direction.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 26 topic - Rising, plus Big Hair and Beehave

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 26 topic of "Rising."  I have a serious fashion inquiry - Is hair rising again? I think so.  Think Amy Winehouse (rest her soul).

This is Big Hair Barbie.  The bigger the hair, the better.

This is Big Hair Momma circa 1972.  The older I got, the higher my mom's hair would rise.

Yep, hair is rising.  Beehive hair wearers unite.  Big Hairs Be Proud!

Be sure to visit the instigators of this challenge Ziva and Mike WJ.  Little did they know what oddities and insanity their photo challenge prompts would engender.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 25 topic - Poison

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 25 topic is "Poison."  No, these candies are not poisonous, but candy is like poison to me.  It wrecks havoc with my system.

Visit my poisonous pals at Ziva's Inferno.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 24 topic - Carnival

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 24 topic is "Carnival."  I didn't encounter any carnivals this summer, as I was hoping.  I resorted to a photographed drawing for the Tremor prompt and while I had my sketch pad out, I emailed Ziva for a list of all of the participants so I could create my rendition of CARNIVAL.  I thought the group might enjoy my pencil sketch.  It didn't photograph well, had to scan it as a .jpeg and it came out lighter than expected, but you get the gist.

Beginning at the top left:  Nonamedufus is the pilot, Shawn (in disquise) is co-pilot, Agent 54 is riding on the tail section, Reforming Geek is on the disco swing, Cheryl is first rider on the bird, Babs is second, Lauren and Meleah have hitched a ride on the cheesemobile that Nicky is driving and Cheesy Mike is riding shotgun, we have Paula (the plumber), Me (trying not to get run over by the cheesemobile), Ziva (who originally had a whip in her hand), Mike WJ as ringmaster, Nora and her dog Starla, Katherine, and peeking behind the wall are Malisa, Traci and Janine.

Some I know better than others and a few of you do not post any images of yourself.  Apologies for anyone I might have missed.  You know where to go to visit the other carnies.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 23 topic - Tolstoy

30 Days of Photographs IV, day 23 topic of "Tolstoy."  This thrift shop figurine models fashion from the Tolstoy period.  I've named her Anna Karenina.

Visit Ziva's Inferno to see how the other participants tackled the Tolstoy prompt.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 22 topic - Frustration

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 22 topic of "Frustration."  I believe I am a frustrated performer.  I've spent my entire life seeking out and basking in the spotlight.  Over the years, I have modeled and performed as a musician and singer.  Now, my creative efforts are concentrated on my blog.

I work in middle management in a conservative industry so I could never, ever dye my hair this color.
"Gina" Pink  

But I could buy the wig ..

You could visit my cohorts sharing in my frustration at Ziva's Inferno.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 21 topic - Anatomy

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 21 topic of "Anatomy."  This is the part of my anatomy where I received a flu shot.  For the past four years, I have had a flu shot.  While I might feel crummy for the next couple of days, it is much better than suffering from the flu.

For other anatomical images, visit Ziva's Inferno.

That same day, my thrift shopping produced this bell-sleeved animal print Bisou Bisou shirt ($2.50).  It is dramatic and is being saved for Spy Girl's 52 pick-me-up theme of Week 19 MROW! Leopard/cheetah/tiger.

My newest thing to hunt for is shot glasses.  My inspiration came from Clamco's blog post shooters and shot glasses.  This Long John blended scotch whisky glass was 50 cents.  It will either be a keeper or I will combine a group of shot glasses for sale.

The best present to myself was finding a soiled and a missing clasp strand of 30" cultured pearls.  They were bagged at $3.50.  I will have them cleaned and re-strung, then they will be BEAUTIFUL!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 20 topic - Transparent

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 20 topic of "Transparent."  I had to look this up to make sure my image satisfied the prompt.  This is a three-fer ~

The sheers, the blue insulators and the butterflies are all transparent.

Please visit the other transparent participants at Ziva's Inferno.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 19 topic - Never AND Talk Like A Pirate Day

Combining International Talk Like A Pirate Day with 30 Days of Photographs IV, day 19 topic of "Never." There are some that say they will NEVER talk like a pirate.  There are others that would say they would NEVER dress Harajuku.  Walk to gangplank over to Ziva's Inferno to see the NEVERS of the others.

I always change my Facebook "language" to pirate for this day.

This piece of sheet music I discovered at Valoo Villawjhe (Value Village), in keeping with the pirate theme.

I officially joined #teamlame on this one - an unsuccessful combination of two concepts.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 18 topic - Always

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 18 topic of "Always."  Seemed about time that Xena WARRIOR PRINCESS make an appearance.  Zipper and Xena are prerequisites to the monthly photo challenges I participate in.

Back to Xena, she is ALWAYS covered in burs.  She is absolute wrong sort of cat to be a ranch cat.  Her fur is long and super soft.  The foliage in Northern California is dry and brittle from months of hot weather and no rain.  I should have named her Bur.

I gave her haircut early in the summer so that helped, somewhat.  

Linky loo to those always and forever participants at Ziva's Inferno.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 17 topic - My junk

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 17 topic of "My Junk."  I returned back to full-time work this week.  I felt like thrift shopping again.  I'm not sure it is cause for celebration, though, my employer has graciously added more responsibility and reduced my wage from middle management to secretarial level.  No problemo, I have two interviews scheduled this week.

Here is my junk - a silk flower autumn garland, blue and white plate, cut glass lamp, plate hanger, bag of Barbie clothes and accessories, bag of My Little Ponies, Barbie, Ken, and a pink collared short-sleeved New York and Company shirt.

But that is not all!  A well-crafted abalone shell set in silver and a fun pink and white rhinestone necklace.

All for what the price of one shirt would cost retail.

Visit Ziva's Inferno to see the junk of the other participants.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 16 topic - Biblical and the Fortune Teller Blog Hop

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 16 topic is "Biblical."  In my early twenties, I immersed myself in the study of religion and this is the Bible that I used.

You can always find Bibles in the thrift shops.  

My personal challenge is to combine the two hops of the photo challenge over at Ziva's Inferno and the writing challenge of the Fortune Teller's Blog Hop into one.  Therefore, it is time for's

fortune teller blog hop copy

Imagine one of your characters going to see a fortune teller. What would she say to them? Write a scene about it and post it on Monday September 16th. This is a great chance to vaguely mention plot points in your novel without giving too much away! 

While I am not a novelist, this hop intrigued me.

The Fortune Teller

She took the job because it was the only one available, that of a fortune teller for a traveling circus.  Her meals and lodging would be provided, if she didn't mind sharing a room with the bearded lady.  It was going to be a short stint for the remainder of the year before the rainy season set in.

Dad was always against the gypsies, which is what she was to become.  "Gypsies," he would sneer, "fool others with cards, pierce their ears, and wear too much jewelry!"  For her career choice, even temporary, could cause a grave turning.

When she turned 13, mom did sneak her out to get her ears pierced.  She so wanted to wear those big hoop earrings that would be partially hidden by her long blonde hair.  She had the kohl black makeup for the exaggerated cat eye look.

There was her biblical background, her parents being church-going people and all.  While there was no specific mention of tarot cards in the Bible, it could be under the umbrella of idolatry, necromancy, a form of divination or acting as a medium.

Her booth was set, deep purple curtains draped around the tent, and incense was burning.

In walked a young girl, no more than 12 or 13.  She wasn't wearing Dorothy's Wizard Oz dress, she was an updated version with her little dog, who looked like Toto.  "Hi, I'm Tiffany."

"Have a seat, Tiffany.  I am Madame Fortune Teller.  What are you seeking?"

"I would like a card reading?"

"Ah, certainly, my rate is posted outside on the sign, ok?"  Tiffany nodded her agreement.  "Why don't you shuffle the cards and then choose three and lay them face down on the table," instructed Madame.

Tiffany did and gave the three cards to MFT, they were the Queen of Wands, The Tower and the Page of Cups.

Madame gathered her thoughts and said, "The first card is the past, the Queen of Wands.  There was someone that looked over you and protected you and still gives you strength.

"The middle card is the present and that card is The Tower.  You are not in a good place.  It is a place of turmoil and strife for you.  It also represents change, change can be good.

"The third card is the Page of Cups is an outpouring of love, perhaps, in your case, young love?"

"Why yes!"  Tiffany replied.  "Oh, I've run out of time.  I must go - but thank you!"  Tiffany burst out the tent doorway.

She had surprised even herself.  She would practice the more complicated readings involving five or more cards.  Perhaps there was a future for Madame Fortune Teller.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 15 topic - China

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 15 topic of "China."

These are my Ariat boots I purchased at a country goods store in Washington state.

This is where my Ariat boots were made.  Normally, I wouldn't equate something so Western being made in China.  

As a child I believed if you dug through the center of the earth, you would end up at the other side in China.

MikeWJ and Ziva must have chuckled over this one when they thought up this prompt.  It was a 10 drink, trivia game playing, disco dancing, prompt producing gala for them.  Link back to the others posting about China.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 13 topic - "Wrong"

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 13 topic of "Wrong."  It is wrong that the Mr. gets to take all of the apple crisp on his hunting trip.

It is half of the 2lb. 10oz. size can old fashioned oats that were toasted, chopped almonds and pecans, Granny Smith apples, rhubarb and dried cherries.  I used about 12 apples, peeled, cored and sliced.  A couple handfuls of the pecans and an equal amount of almonds and used a chopper to make into smaller bits.  I added the following to the apples/rhubarb mixture, Splenda, 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, 1/2 tsp. cloves.  I added in a couple of handfuls of dried cherries, the toasted oats and fruit, mixed together and placed in the casserole glass pans.  I placed slices of butter atop the mixture.  Baked at 350 degrees.  I stirred the mixture a few times to ensure it baked evenly.  After cooled, I vacuum packed into separate servings and froze them.

Take a turn over to Ziva's Inferno to find out what else is wrong in this photo challenge.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 12 topic - Tremor

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 12 topic is "Tremor."  I knew I would have to resort to a photographed drawing for this prompt (in keeping with one of the unwritten rules of the challenge.)  The ONLY thing that keeps coming to mind is the movie Tremors.  I tried to do some background research for my sketch, by watching the movie on Roku, but it wasn't offered.  I cannot remember what the monster looked like (oops, spoiler for those who haven't seen it).

I haven't sketched anything for at least a couple of years.  As far as cartoon drawing, it has been many, many years.  

Shake and quake on over to Ziva's Inferno to see how the OTHERS have interpreted this prompt.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 11 topic - Girly

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 11 topic is "Girly."  I do not have any little girls in my life (yet, fingers crossed), so I snapped these images of a sweetie at church.

I never did get her name, but she did like to twirl.  In fact, she twirled so much, she made herself dizzy.

Go here to visit the other girly girls.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 10 topic - Close-up

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 10 topic "Close-up."  Rather than resort to pictures of myself, ad naseum, I tried to think outside of the box.  Close up is this bison head mount, taken at Trotter's Restaurant, Auburn, Washington.

Link to Ziva's Inferno to see their close-ups.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 9 topic - Disguise

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 9's topic is "Disguise."  I was inspired by a recent episode of America's Next Top Model (one of my favorite shows, by the way) where the models shot a gender-bending commercial the-guy-who-gets-to-kiss-the-girl.  The photo shoot was romp, the rest of the show, not so much.

I gathered together my guy props.  You've got to excuse the moustache, it came from a 25 cent gumball machine.  Does my manguise succeed?

Trot on over to Ziva's Inferno to discover the other participants who may or may not be in disguise.  

To offset my manguise, I am linking with Patti's Visible-Monday and Spy Girl's 52-pick-me-up-coffee-klatch, her prompt being "Fill your favorite mug with your morning brew.  Now dress to coordinate."  Starbucks mochas are my favorite splurge - so I've gone all mocha for you in my Tamiguise.  

Charter Club cappuccino cashmere sweater
Alfani sleeveless shirt
Hillard and Hanson brown skirt
(all thrifted)
Cole Haan espresso brown pumps
Multi-colored pearl necklace

Click Here for Our Weekly Link-Up!In a style rut?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 8 topic - Texture

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 8 topic "Texture."  It will be interesting to see how the other participants interpret this prompt.  Give them a visit at Ziva's Inferno.

This creme brulee was scrumpdilliecious.  Mom and I had lunch at The Grape Adventure in Kent, Washington.  Not only were the pulled pork sliders delish, the creme brulee was to die for!

Look at that texture!  Soft and creamy inside, crunchy sweet topping.  Mmmmm ~

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 7 topic - Seven

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 7 topic is "Seven" for this seventh day of September.  For those of you not familiar with the mixed drink 7 and 7, it is Seagrams Seven Crown and 7Up poured over ice.

Since we are on the topic of mixed drinks, I was at a Mexican food eatery recently and decided I wanted a margarita. I saw Cadillac margarita at the top of the list and just ordered, without reading the description carefully.  Was it as big as it looks?  Yes, yes, it was and I drank all of it.  

Linky Ziva's Inferno to visit the others that are imbibing heavily, just to make it through these Ziva-and-MikeWJ-we-hate-you-about-now prompts.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 6 topic - Two birds, one stone

30 Days of Photographs IV, Day 6 topic "Two birds, one stone."  As I was heading out to my flight to Seattle to visit my mom, I walked across this mosaic at the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport.  I circled back to take the picture of Two Birds and One Stone!  I could not believe my good luck.  One ridiculous prompt down, how many more to go?

Here is the link to the others killing two birds with one stone at Ziva's Inferno.
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