Wednesday, November 30, 2016

I'm so glad we had this time together *tugs on earlobe*

The post title reference is to Carol Burnett when she had her comedy hour television show that ran 1967 to 1978. The ear tug was when Carol would close the show, it was a nod to her grandmother who had raised her.
Message to the makers of television shows - please bring back a comedy sketch show. Sheesh, there are enough talented comedians out there to give audiences humor instead of murder and mayhem.

Thank you for joining me in this month-long challenge. I enjoy digging deeper than usual to post daily. Thank you to the host

Ah, but you can't get rid of me that easily! Beginning tomorrow, my Countdown to Christmas begins AND for those interested the X-Mas Art Challenge 2016 at My goal is to post daily with the prompts to combine with my countdown.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Giving Tuesday

There are many ways to celebrate the holidays, and one of them is to give to those in need or not as fortunate.

Below are just a few of those organizations:

One of my favorite programs is Be A Santa to a Senior sponsored through Home Instead Senior Care. Home Instead Senior Care partners with local non-profit and community organizations to identify seniors who might not otherwise receive gifts this holiday season. The company then works with local businesses and retail stores to help facilitate the purchase and distribution of gifts by placing trees and ornaments within their various locations. Each senior’s gift requests are written on a Be a Santa to a Senior bulb. - Operation Shoebox provides many ways to contribute to our mission, all designed to fill boxes or fund postage costs. From collected used ink cartridges to donating old cell phones, many of our programs work well in the workplace, senior centers and places of worship. Businesses, scout troops and youth groups frequently host drives for candy, toiletries, snacks and games. Craft patterns for caps, Christmas stockings and ditty bags are available on the website. School teachers can explore volunteer opportunities for classroom settings, including our “Troops for Teachers” program that pairs a class with a member of the military. Browse around today to find a program that fits your needs and schedule. angel-tree - For 2.7 million children in the U.S., that story may be filled with the abandonment, loneliness and shame that come from having a mom or dad in prison. For many, it may also include following their parents down the same destructive road to incarceration. Angel Tree®, a program of Prison Fellowship, reaches out to the children of prisoners and their families with the love of Christ. This unique program gives you an opportunity to share God's love by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners.

If there are any organizations you would like to bring to my attention #givingtuesday, please leave the link in a comment.  Thank you.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A revisit of a couple of posts

Heading into the last few days of the Nano Poblano blog challenge, I chose a prompt from the Listful Prompts of Listing of "Your Favorite Posts from Your Archives and Why." In the past I have chosen fashion posts as my favorites, sometimes fun to compose and photograph but since the Nanoers are more of a writing crowd, I chose a couple of different ones worth a revisit.

10-tips-for-newbie-blogger - a cartoon bonus and some helpful tips for any blogger.

Five-tips-for-furloughed-employee - turned an awkward work situation into humor.

That's all for today, folks.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

You Get One Free Pass

During these month-long blog challenges, I conveniently pull my One Free Pass. Totally made up by moi, gives me chance to still post without really posting anything at all. 

I have participated in the AtoZ Challenge for the past 4 years and have used my free pass on the letters "X" and "Y" because those letters are not easily bent. Bending the prompt means finding something, anything that can relate to the prompt.

Pattern of the Day Simplicity 4769 from 1969.
Just screams Jackie O! (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)

I got nothing else - travel home safely if you are visiting family this Thanksgiving weekend. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

My Top Five impulse buys for 2016

This being my last prompt of the challenge to flesh out, I found a Nano Poblanoer from across the pond that listed my-top-ten-impulse-buys-of-2016, and my Top Five Impulse Buys for 2016 was born.

My impulse buys are strictly thrifted items, and away we go.

1.  A package of clothespins. Do I own a laundry line? No. Do I hang my laundry? No. What possible use did I see for these retro objects du jour? To hang my quilts for photographing? To affix to my earlobes to keep me from eating because I will be so distracted by the pain. Perhaps.  

2.  Magnets. The more, the merrier. I affix them to the magnetic board I have hanging in my cubicle.

3.  Madame Alexanderkins dolls. Just - cannot - resist - them. I have found the majority of them at Salvation Army for a dollar or two.

4.  Men's fedoras. I just love hats. I rarely wear them but I keep collecting them. I tell myself I can resell them, then I never do.

5.  Oh and fabric, let's just not mention that. I'm swimming in yards of fabric. I have imposed a fabric buying moratorium on myself.

What causes you to go impulse buying crazy?

Friday, November 25, 2016

Opt Outside and Buy Nothing Day

Not being a Black Friday sort of person, I was happy to read that REI is closed on that day. Not only that REI is inviting Americans to skip the stampede and celebrate life outdoors, in our parks, on the trails, in the mountains and on the water.
Image from our family photo archive marked "Denver, CO 1965"
If the Mr. were feeling better, I am sure we would be at the annual pheasant hunt. Such is not the case this year ... but I will be enjoying the outdoors.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Make it a Squirrely Thanksgiving

Two things to share on this day. Two squirrel window hangings from my childhood. Just call me "Little Bunny Foo Foo" as it appears I've torn off their feet (pretty sure it was me ..)

In preparing my Countdown to Christmas posts, I scanned this image from the 1974 BHG Holidays Decorations You Can Make. Seed squirrel, so Pinspiration worthy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dagmar's Home Link Party

I decided to do one last blog hop before the November challenge ends. This is my first linkup with Dagmar at  She also hosts an "anything goes or free for all" prompt with an emphasis on thrifty and vintage finds, in addition to home décor, recipes, DIY projects and the like.

My turkey critters
Seamstresses and quilters here is a link to the-best-stitched-gifts-to-give posted by Amy at Amy's Creative Side. On the thread front, I have been working away on my Falling for Fall quilted wall hanging, just the outline stitch left on the one black panel, then ready to bind.
Lawd knows, I've been thrifting and lately I have been finding clothing. Guess that has been my focus since I have dropped a size (or two). Been trying to stay away from the book rack, something will catch my eye and before I know it, my bookcase is overflowing again.

First, Halloween items overran the thrift shops and now it is Christmas items. The sheer volume of kitsch, ugly and just plain unwanted is astounding but it all eventually sells.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

New word for the blogger dictionary

Heading into the last days of this month, I once again turn to the challenge Mark Bialczak's Hot Pepper prompts and for this one I chose, "Make up a word and tell me all about why people should use it."

Oh yeah, my made up word is BLOGSPAT. I recently was involved in one here and here.  A blogspat is an online dispute between bloggers, basically a virtual b***h slap.

It is no wonder I sometimes link up with the wrong groups, as evidenced by my proclivity for participating in blog hops. Also note reference to mischief making for not behaving myself in challenges and hops.

Anyhoo, it's my word and I'm proud of it.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Page views - what does and doesn't work

Having blogged now for almost 10 years, beginning with a starter blog that no one followed with the inception of this current blog, I can look back to what has and what hasn't been successful for page views. 

Since my blog premise begins with thrift shopping, I never really look to those posts being on the "must see" list. I usually combine my find posts with other material so it can be scrolled past for those not interested. 

What hasn't been successful is posting images from retro 35mm slides. While I enjoy the process, most people aren't interested in say, Disneyland-1961

Another non-success has been cartooning. Another activity I enjoy from time to time, but not a popular page view item. 

Posts centering around photography. Lovely to look at but ends there.

Fashion posts of thrifted ensembles. I truly love showing what can be done with thrifted fashion but it appeals to a very limited audience - other fashion bloggers. I bought my stand-in, a Classic Queen sewing mannequin from, you guessed it, Sally will show what I shy away from now.
Writing challenges - since I am in the middle of one now, I can tell you page views hold steady. I have gained a few new followers recently (welcome!).

Most surprising have been my posts on refashioning, sewing alterations and quilting. I never knew there was such an extensive audience for this type of thing. It is one of the main reasons my blog has taken a turn to highlighting the creative.

Bloggers, what do you find gains (or loses) an audience?

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Recipe ideas for Turkey Day

As has been my practice with participating in a month-long writing challenge, I like to include some recipes from the 1950 Ford Treasury of Famous Recipes from Famous Eating Places. Here are three worth considering. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Important stuff

Since I did not prepare (at all) for the Nano Poblano challenge, I've resorted more than once to the prompts suggested over at cheerpeppers, this time from the Listful Prompts of Listing. I have amazed myself at how far I've gotten with no ideas, posts or prompts in mind.

Today I will showcase my views on an important issue using gifs.




What important issue is that? Your guess is as good as mine.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Book Blogger Hop

In my quest to flesh out these remaining posts for the Nano Poblano challenge, I found another hop. This hop is decidedly different from the two I linked up with this month.

Head on over to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.
Prompts include:
Nov. 18th - 24th - Would you take a book with you when you go to your family's Thanksgiving gathering/dinner? (submitted by Billy)
Nov. 25th - Dec. 1st - Name one book that you would fight for on Black Friday! (submitted by Billy)

I wouldn't take a book or laptop or anything to take away from the time with my family.
I don't do Black Friday but a book I have on my wish list is Alice's Adventures in  Wonderland, illustrated by Salvador Dali.

Interested in joining a book blogger hop? What tome would you fight over?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Six word fortune cookie

For this November challenge, we are given prompts listed at, and the one I have chosen is "Write a six word fortune cookie."

Life is short. Enjoy every minute.

List of those Nano Poblanoers who have chosen this prompt and their responses:
thatshamelesshussy (well, let's just say she tried)

To expand on my fortune cookie saying, if there are negative people or aspects in your life, do whatever you can to turn those to positives. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Favorite children's book

Popping over to cheerpeppers for the promptosaur to fulfill this fun November challenge, prompt chosen was "Write about a childhood book series and how they influenced you."

A childhood favorite of mine was Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh.
I see there is a current movie from the book, but I haven't seen it.

I created a journal like Harriet (and still have it - amazing I haven't lost it in all of my moves). Harriet is an outlier and most kids can identify with that.

What book series influenced you?

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Slaying the Dragon

In explanation of my post title, slaying the dragon refers to my success in earning my associate's degree and in particular my mastery of mathematics. I put off returning to college for over 20 years with my fear of math holding me back. When I finally returned and decided to tackle the beast, it was sooooo rewarding. Now I am trying to convince my daughter, math is essential to her future and to her promotional possibilities. She needs to slay that dragon. 

Since we are the dragon topic, I have seem some dragon-related items worth mention. Those Christmas catalogs are arriving, I like to look them over with my morning cup of coffee.
NOT a sponsored post.

Halfway through Nano Poblano 2016 - cause for celebration!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Blue hopping Monday and I was once a bluebird

Blue hopping Monday with Jeanne at I haven't linked up with this group in a long time so it is way overdue to introduce her to the Nano Poblanoers and my readers.

Blue Bradley doll a recent inmate at

I am catching up on my scanning and found this Bluebird pamphlet from 1965. I really liked Campfire Girls but there were no leaders for the pack and my mom didn't want to take it on.

My favorite part of the pamphlet is the phrase "to want to keep my temper most of the time."

Also sharing some quilt block images (1963 Woman's Day Book of American Needlework)

Then blue blue blue Patterns of the Day, leading off with a 1950s Butterick

1963 Simplicity

1965 Simplicity

1969 McCall's

What blues are in your life today?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Weight gain is NOT inevitable

A little backstory to bolster my post title claim ... back in the Dark Ages, my personal Dark Ages ranging from 2006 to say around 2014, I gained weight. It was spectacular in the fact that I continued to eat as though I were 21 years old. Never mind the fact that I had entered the wonderful world of menopause, had aged (a bit), plunged down the rabbit hole of depression and figured I had better pack it in as far as seeing my svelte figure ever again.

Even though I try to keep away from posts regarding losing weight, politics and religion, I have made mention of my health and weight.
Those followers of my blog could even see a transitional weight gain over the years since I have posted pictures of myself over time (though not recently).

I struggled with keeping the weight off, all the while eating pretty much whatever I wanted and added bigger and bigger pieces to my extensive thrifted wardrobe. 

In May of this year I had a Come to Jesus Meeting with my doctor. Quit eating the diet I was eating or have my gall bladder removed. I chose the restricted diet. I am happy to report that I am now close to my original resting weight of around 125. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8. Since I am one of the smaller sized Smurfs, 5'3" on a good day, this is all a good thing. 

So, to all of those who have packed on a few pounds - weight gain is NOT inevitable. You will just have to resolve to never let those fried, fatty foods get past your lips. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Good morning sunshine and the portable chair pad

Pulling from the Mark Bialczak's Hot Pepper Prompts for Nano Poblano, I chose, "Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, I want to _____________. 

My fill in the blank, is - I want to wake up to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. I want to experience the scent of the sea. Later that day, I want to walk barefoot along the shore.

Since island hopping and seaside adventures are not in my distant future, I entertain myself by thrift shopping. The most interesting of Veteran's Day sale finds were the Mad card deck, bag of mystery quilter material and thread.
The mystery bag contained a completed quasi-pillow form. I had the pillow form stuffing, a desire to do some hand tufting and some time on my hands. Yes, the tufting is uneven. I just wanted to do a quick project that would provide some extra padding to my work chair. To say my chair is ginormous is an understatement. To obtain a new "ergonomic" chair requires a meeting with a supervisor and I want to circumvent any reason to have that type of meeting.

After I finished the project, I discovered a hole in the fabric. I went to my stash of Hawaiian shirt hoarder labels that I had processed from the shirts. After a quick stick to affix (again, not worried about symmetry in stitching).

My portable chair pad can be used anywhere!
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